Monday, March 7, 2016

The Struggle To Eat Healthy

Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going. 

Something I have always struggled with is eating healthy. Fatty junk foods just taste so good to me! It isn't even really the candy and sweets that get to me, my weakness really is in the satly chips and takeout. It's delicious, AND I don't have to cook it!

My eating habits swing between the two extremes of binge eating and not eating at all. The problem essentially lies in emotions being put with foods. When I binge eat I feel happy and better when I'm full. I don't take time to enjoy it while eating, I just eat a lot of it. It is humiliating and something I don't talk about often, but it is a part of me. The other struggle is the control and perfection of not eating. No matter what emotions I may be having, or what real life struggles I may be facing, I can always count on the control restricting gives me. Between these two food and eating is chaos.

One of my goals in this is to take to emotions out of eating. Food is fuel, and after everything I have done in y life I deserve to treat myself and my body right. It's a trap to feel like junk food and binge eating is a reward. The real reward is taking the time to work out and feed myself (and my family) foods that are good for us. Food that will give us energy and help us feel good.

The first couple of weeks of this have been hard. I've had an insane amount of cravings, and I haven't won all of the battles. The longer I'm doing this, however, the easier it's getting. I've begun getting excited while finding recipes for healthy food, and I feel like I've hit the jackpot when I shop and find alternatives to junk food. This week I decided to get myself some salmon for lunch as a reward to myself. I absolutely love salmon, but it is a food my husband can't stomach so I don't usually get it. I got the salmon and some asparagus, and today I cooked it. It was healthy, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I would ever enjoy a greasy pizza or a burger. 

This is how I know that even while I'm struggling through this I am improving, and that's what it's all about! If anybody has any healthy recipes or snack ideas I would love to hear about them in the comments!

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