Yesterday I had a REALLY bad day as far as health and fitness goes. I still tried to eat fairly healthy, but I just didn't have the motivation. I felt really bad about myself, hated my body, and basically just wanted to crawl into a hole and ignore life. Luckily, as a mom I don't have that choice. Even if I feel terrible and want to stay in bed all day I just really can't. I'm forced to get up and face the world whether I feel like it or not!
I'm having to realize that success isn't a straight line. I'm going to have days where I feel amazing, days where I really push myself and get a lot done. On the other side I'm also going to have days like these. Days where the hatred I feel for myself and my body can't even compare to anything else. I'm going to feel like I don't want to wake up another day feeling like this, but the difference now I'm doing something to challenge that feeling. I'm lucky that I've been able to figure out a few things that work for me when I feel this way, and I'll share them with you.
You've probably heard of this one as it was 'trendy' for a while. The thing is, this really is a useful tool. Psychology Today describes mindfulness as "a state of active, open attention to the present. When you're mindful you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them as good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience." I love that description! When I'm feeling down on myself I can take step back and ask why I'm feeling that way, question what is really going on. This especially helps with getting myself out of panic attacks and anxiety.
Things that help me with this and snapping back into the moment is using my senses. When eating really chew and focus on the textures and tastes. What can you see around you, what sounds are there? What is going on in this exact moment - not the future or past. Smells can be especially helpful. The small of citrus, vanilla and grass are calming to me and can help level out my moods and focus my mind.
Challenge Your Thinking
Challenge your anxious thoughts with reality. If I'm feeling fat and worthless, is that actually true? In reality I am overweight, but I am working to change that. It does not take away my worth as a person. I have many amazing qualities, and even though I have a hard time seeing them other people see and value them. I have friends and a family who love to be around me. I have worth in that my son wakes up every morning and asks for ME. If I leave the room for even a few minutes my son runs to greet me with a hug. If I was gone my son would notice and suffer because of it. To him, I am one of the most worthwhile people in the world. Don't always trust your feelings as truth, challenge them.
Having A Support System
I don't know what I would do without my husband. He is amazing, and I can always count on him to keep me on track. When I feel down on myself my husband is there for me. He might not be able to make me see himself through his eyes and love my body, but he can be there for me. Be in the same room holding me, and keeping me accountable. It isn't his job, but he voluntarily helps me with this diet. Since a few weeks ago when I told him I wanted to get healthy he hasn't given me junk food. When I ask or beg him for ice cream or chips he tells me no, that I'm trying to get healthy. He refuses to share unhealthy food that he is eating because he knows how important this is to me. And, what touched me most, is yesterday he brought home healthier food for HIMSELF so that he can eat healthy too. Find people who will be there for you and keep you accountable. People who will hold you up when you want to fold, or simply watch a show with you when you feel bad.
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